Fun. Fitness. Friendship. Football.

Eastbourne Walking Football.

Every Saturday morning at Hampden Park Sports Centre.

Our Ethos


Two hours of the week just for you – when you don’t have to worry about being a Dad, husband, boss or carer.


Get some serious exercise without it feeling like a chore. 10,000 steps without even thinking about it.


Meet new people and make firm friends. Away from the pitch we have regular social events too.


Keep playing the game you love at a pace that suits you. We welcome all ages, levels of ability and mobility.

When and where

Hampden Park Sports Centre
Brodrick Road, Eastbourne, BN22 9RQ

Every Saturday 9.00 – 11.00 am
Meet at 8.45 in Sports Centre Reception
£5.55 per session – pay by card or cash


If you’re interested in coming along, or just want to find out a bit more, you can contact the group organiser by email: